Pink Fire Pointer Happy New Year: Welcome 2013

Happy New Year: Welcome 2013

Happy New Year Bloggers!
I hope you enjoyed celebrations last night on welcoming a new year and I have a feeling this year will be a good one. Primarily because I will be graduating this year and can't wait to start living my life outside of university and putting this craft business into full swing.
I spent my New Year celebrations crafting and have been accumulating ideas for new workshops that will be beginning in March, so exciting times ahead and of course details will be posted as soon as finishing touches have been applied.
So do we have any New Year resolutions? Well.......
1. Continue to do more and bigger workshops in a variety of places - hopefully a new venue this year.
2. Set up an Etsy account for some of the projects we make.
3. Host our own Christmas Craft Fair - this may be the biggest and most challenging of the resolutions but will be so worth it if it all goes well.
4. Start and finish my Smashbook.
Has anyone else made any resolutions yet?